Monday, January 18, 2010

Rules and regulations for Cinematheque 2010



1. Films completed after 1st January, 2007 are eligible to participate.

2. The running time of the film should be no longer than 45 minutes.

3. All entries must be registered online at

4. All entries, for the pre –selection purposes, should be delivered for preview in DVD format (with English subtitle). The DVD shall not be returned.

5. Each participant must enclose 3 passport size photographs and a self attested photocopy of his/her identity card along with the print out of the online form and 3 copies of the film DVD.

6. All entries will be chosen by the Pre-selection Committee, established by the program organization. Selected participants will be informed as soon as the result is decided.

7. There can be any number of participants per college.

8. Each participant is eligible to participate in both the categories (Documentary and Short fiction Category). However one Director cannot submit two films in the same category.

(Note: The participant should submit the two films with two separate forms.)

9. There is NO REGISTRATION FEE for any participant.

10. All entries must be submitted by/on 18th February, 2010. No entries shall be entertained thereafter. The sender covers cost of the sending.

11. Should any matter of dispute arise, the decision of the program organization is final and open to no discussion.


· Address : Department of Mass Communication and Film Studies

St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata

30, Mother Teresa Sarani,

Kolkata 700016

The online registration form for CINEMATHEQUE 2010 is available at